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What is orthodontics?

The purpose of orthodontics or dental regulation is to obtain functionally stable and regular teeth that also look good. This not only looks at the irregular tooth position, but also at the incorrect position of the jaws. Anyone who has healthy teeth and healthy support tissue is eligible for orthodontics. So not only children and young people can 'brace', but also adults.


A nice regular set of teeth ensures that someone can chew, bite, talk and laugh well. At least as important, however, is that a straight-toothed denture is much more likely to stay healthy because it is easier to keep clean.


This prevents expensive dental treatments in the future!


The orthodontist does more than just straighten teeth. He is concerned with influencing the growth of the facial bones so that a harmonious face is created. The orthodontist therefore focuses especially on correcting and correcting errors in dental and facial growth.



Why do I consult an orthodontist?


Most patients seek the help of an orthodontist for aesthetic reasons. They want nice teeth and a harmonious profile.


The teeth of the upper and lower jaw together form a whole. If the teeth fit together well, this can work very well. But you often see that this is not the case.



Some examples follow:


  • Sometimes you see an enlarged distance between the teeth of the upper and lower jaw. It is therefore often difficult to bite off something.

  • Sometimes the teeth slip in the wrong direction when approaching. As a result, the jaws can grow crooked.

  • Sometimes you see that the teeth are very crooked and grow over each other. This is usually because there is a lack of space in the jaw.

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